Accounting For Non-Accountants
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Course Overview
This course teaches how to prepare, interpret and use the financial information of the business world to aid in making business and financial decisions. This course is ideal for anyone exploring the field of accounting as well as working professionals and entrepreneurs. Particular emphasis has been placed on mastering the expanded accounting equation, the full accounting cycle, preparing the financial statements, and understanding key financial ratios and how these concepts are useful for business decision makings.
Participants will gain an understanding of key financial statements and learn the practical application of the most important and widely used financial techniques.
Course Objectives
- Define the Role of Finance
- What is Accounting and what are Main Accounts
- How Financial Statements are Prepared
- Difference Between Profit and Cash
- Financial Reports
- Analyze Financial Statements
- Evaluate the Financial Feasibility of a Project
- Budget Preparation
Who can Benefit from this Course
- Non-Accountants
- CEOs
- Business Owners
Course Outline
Part I: Welcome to the World of Accounting
- Module I: Accounting Information
- Module II: The Accounting Profession and Careers
- Module III: The Fundamental Accounting Equation
- Module IV: How Transactions Impact the Accounting Equation
Part II: Information Processing
- Module V: Accounts, Debits, and Credits
- Module VI: The Journal
- Module VII: The General Ledger
- Module VIII: The Trial Balance
- Module IX: Computerized Processing Systems
- Module X: T-Accounts
Part III: Income Measurement
- Module XI: “Measurement Triggering” Transactions and Events
- Module XII: The Periodicity Assumption
- Module XIII: Basic Elements of Revenue Recognition
- Module XIV: Basic Elements of expense Recognition
- Module XV: The Adjusting Process and Related Entries
- Module XVI: Accrual – Versus Cash – Basis Accounting
Part IV: The Reporting Cycle
- Module XVII: The Accounting Cycle and Closing Process
- Module XVIII: Reversing Entries
- Module XIX: Classified Balance Sheets
- Module XX: Business Liquidity and the Operating Cycle
- Module XX1: Operating Budget Process and Techniques