Creativity & Excellence In The Planning Of Modern Cities Through The Malaysian Experience
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Objectives of the training program
To familiarize participants with modern information systems and trends in urban planning and the establishment of modern cities
The program is directed to
- Engineers working in municipalities and municipal councils
- Urban planning officials and architectural licenses in the governmental, private and semi-governmental sectors
- Municipal employees and secretaries, officials and other supervisors
- Planning and Budget Managers
- Entities related to city planning (regions, states, governorates, institutions and infrastructure companies)
- City administration officials and coordination officials in the service sectors and public services such as health, education, etc.
First day
Planning Science:
- Profiles from the history of urban planning
- General objectives of planning
- The role and levels of planning
- The stages of planning work
- The foundations of the planning work
Second day
Natural studies of the city site:
- City site studies
- Surface appearances
- Soil studies
- Climate conditions
- Environmental pollution – natural resources
Third day:
Urban Structure Studies:
- Land use
- Residential areas
- Service areas
- Industrial Zones
- Green and open areas
- Urban environment in the city
- Visualization of the city’s architecture
Study of infrastructure networks:
- Road networks
- Utility networks
- Population Census and Growth
- Religious beliefs and social behavior
- Population characteristics
- Public services
Economic studies:
- Economic sectors
- Economics of the city’s lands
Fifth day
Executive Planning:
- Executive planning of housing
Executive planning of service centers:
- Neighbourhood centers and residential neighborhoods
- The main canter of the city
Planning of public projects:
- Planning of the industrial areas, Planning and design of road networks, planning of parking places, Land surveyor networks, planning and coordination of green areas, planning and coordination of urban areas